It's been nearly a year since my open heart surgery...I haven't forgotten much...have seen dramatic changes in my life...lost the girl...changed my look...looked deeper into my soul...wrote some more poetry!...started dating again - not sure if dating is a good or bad thing lol...met some new people...met a photographer that challenged how I look at into Open Streets Hamilton...changed how I interact with people...fell in love...fell out of love...lost Charlie...gained Isis...changed the way I a new people...changed my approach to life...worked more and more with energy...started to teach again-and how much of a challange it can be more VHS movies...became more and more me...looked at the memories from the surgery and seen how far I've going to be volunteering at the hospital, note: no mention of energy work there lol...going back to school to learn more and more...wondering 'what if? some days...not giving up on myself...loving and living more...and seeing where each day takes me...
Each day that I live now, I am thankful...and on the 21st, I'll take the day as it comes, no matter what happens, just as I do every day...with one twist-it'll be a day of celebration :-)